(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版) 作者:autoheart
chapter 5
harry decided, after a uple days thought, that it did not tellg agall there was an aniag on the grounds had he been younr, he ay have waited a bit lonr, but sce he had lear kd of people hidthe ell, he uldtg hagrid and agall and ahe groundsdanr he would have to swallow his pride and tell agall oer, although he was o knog the wolf’s identity than he had been a s, now that he was grown, aybe she would let hi help tackle the proble stead of sistg he stay ohough that had hardly sped hischool
it felrong,fact, that harry had barely been sleepg
&ook back t the hallways at all hours of the night, avoidg a certa se of the dunons with all his ight, but eably he had felt the strahe hall ice ore the feelg of beg a sa tug, that sa feelg of waitg for oo speak but no one ever did, and he never saw anythg that gave hi pae,he chalked it up to the feelg beg what he wa didn’t exp why he had o a few tis ai he eher se of the dunons, but if he ig, it was a good eion as anyhis ability to sleep, he found hiself dressed ahe day by sixthe , decidg to head dowd eat thg bef to agall’s offi he got to the kits, he fou have u appetite, settlg for a cup of ffee he worried that it was to see agall jt yet, ahere was n by the slyther dunons aga jt to look as he rouo the duhe fat click of footsteps he sped jt at the ed of the r darg to look, liste sure why he was hidg, but he felt that wh had jt as little bess beg there as he did
&ura” a failiar feale voice said firly he heard the clickg of brid turail end of green robes disappearg to the slyther doorway
harry stood, frozen, waitg to hear the dooren aga, but it did ehey, and still she did settled it for hi
whatever she was hidgthere, he was gog to fd out tonight the aniag uld wait
“i do’shard about stayg away fro hi,” agall started aga, pacg across the old slyther on roo
& let !” dra ped
“then disilsion yourself, alfoy! he hardly pester you if he doesn’t khere!”
“i have been!”
& uhe proble!”
“i thk it would be better if—”
“r alfoy there is o send you apart fro your parents, i a the o kh you know i d you off of the grounds you’ll surely be found out as for r potter, the poor boy ay and i had alb dubledore’s portraity ear tellgthat i ’t let a boy with sutial waste it i don’t care how uch you dislike hi, or whatever feelgs of aniosity you ay still harbor, i won’t turn hi aly becae you don’t want hi—”
“that’s not why!” dra yelled, suddenly, startlg eve was the loudest he had bee knoable of suoise still
agall stilled “then why, r alfoy?” she asked stiffly
“i d to see hi like this,” dra aditted, ietly
& will t better,” she assured hi “oeachg”
“i don’t know that it will”
“dorariwise,” she chastised
“i fou night, standg outside the slyther dunons talkg to dead people and d by dead people i an specifically ,” dra started slowly “and how he isses ”
agall opeo speak and the, lookg rather like a fish
“i’ve already broughtuch pa to his life,” dra i was o and i thk it will ruto see hitorhis when i uldeasily fix it, if only thgs were a little bit different i thk i ly h before i ru everythg it’s already alost ore than i bear”
agall was silent for a ont that stret for what felt like eternity it was the closest dra had ever been to adittg everythg out loud
“you ed hi, did you?” she asked ntly
dra siled back at her weakly
“no, i suppose you didn’t i suppose that was ao please your father”
“i suppose it was”
& look at her he didn’t wahe rry look on her face
fally she said, “letfigure out what i do we’ll et the sa ti toorrow”
dra nodded
whe, he looked around at his roo, feelg a bit of ncholy sk to his stoach he reed they wouldn’t be his roos for uot if he got his way
chapter 6
harry supposed the only ps to not havg grown sce his school days was that his old visibility cloak still vered hi down to his feet, if he crouched
he had been standgthe dunon hallway for thirty utes he had heard the brick wall clickg closed as he turhe rner upon his arrival, but he hadn’t bee a gohe hours beeen and nightfall had beehose re utesthe hallway were utter agony after half an hour, the curiosity at what was oher side oueighed his fear of whover he ay en
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