首页(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版)正文 分卷阅读8

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    (HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版) 作者:autoheart


    &ood outside the castle f ti, lonr thaaythe forest, but he had little choice

    thankfully, a torrent of sur ra forced hi back side, givg dra ver to so the castle he hurried back t pafully slowly ohe d that if he was iet e be able to hear if ahere he didn’t know if potter still had the visibility cloak, but he would be surprised if he didn’t

    &ura,” he whispered, barely a breath

    the elves had leftfood on dra’s table, a shepherd’s pie that harriet had ibbled, and a sall piece of cake his stoach rubled at the sight of it, ao eat, he really had but his d was otherwise oupied he uldn’t s thkg about how harry had reached out to toud then pulled away ickly, as if he were hurt how all he had to do was touch hi th his disguise he knew he should have stayed back, should have acted ore like a wild fuial, but the pull he felthis chest jt to be a little bit closer was t how it felt to have one’s eyes on hi ahe really see hi stead h hi, and how if felt for those eyes to be harry’s he of urse pellg agall that the tera was evitable, that he was r he had jt sat there aalk to hi that hat eventually

    he had a feelg ohey had ade ntact, harry would have to go either that, or he would

    harry had udiesthe library or he was tryg to his d wao the aniag on the grouen he had bee sce tryg to spot the aga, but to hey had left, or they were akg sure that he didn’t khere he was alost sure they weren’t alicio, but ost of the people that felt they needed disguises at hogwarts were not people he would waill, he uld n hiself to report it to the headistress, not u tried to figure out who it was on his own he supposed he had oo g down a

    whehkg about the aryg to thk up ways to t to the slyther dunons they nsud hi, and not jakghis dreas, he would fd hiselfthe reen t light filtergfro the dows that looked out to the ke the rest of the roo was too dark to ake out, but he uld tell it was he st ti he had seen it he wandered bldly, bupg to thgs uhe door of the doritories it was only a wooden door, notdifficult to perate, but he uld o open he would press his ear to the door and swear he uld hear thg oher side, breathg, the rtlg of bed lens, fat whispergs, eve w of a ever anythg that ant anythg to hi

    he had fire  and herione once sce his relo it had goed

    “i’gd you’ve fally found thg to oupy your ti, harry! although, out of the three of , i would never have pned you as the oo end up a profesr,” herione had ughed, ao agree

    “how do you like it back there, ate?” ron had asked, seeg as eally chuffed with the news as herione

    “i like it fe hout everyone here, obvioly, but better than griauld pce”

    he had paed for a , “i thk thg odd is gh”

    “rl, harry, it’s h odd is always gog on there,” herione said rolled her eyes

    & it at that, realizg that they probably would jt thk he aranoid, or worse, worry about hi if he eborated

    they had ehe call by tellg harry he was gog to be a wonderful profesr, which he prayed would be true he supposed that he rofesr thaudent if it wasn’t for that daned locked door his downfalls as a student had not been for ck of tellce, or potential, but rather becae he was distracted byrather pressg issues of urse, jt aythe defunct slyther dunons ressg of an issue as defeatg the dark lord, but it was the only one he hadaybe it was ao foc, but it did

    & sure how long he had beenthe library, only that he had go  a streag through the dows sig was ti afternoon he had barely ade a dentthe work he wao go over that week, o folder of old leso the “doo be fair, it had ohree days of studyghis five days of beg back at hogwarts, but he k if he was w at his full capacity, he uld easily be ttg through a folder or o a day he sighed, flippg the pa he was starg at back to look at the pa before, not at all surprised that he did not reber aion he had apparently already wh he  his peched to pencils after leavg hogwarts, ills beg too uch work for what they were worth—aotes aga, hopg aybe the third ti through the folder would be a char


    harry juped, droppg his pencil with a ctter as he turhe urce of the voice

    “i a gd to see you have your studies underway,” agall ntued, walkg arouable where he worked

    “yes, aer stuttered, rea to the floor to retrieve the pencil

    “don’t worry, i know if there was anythg else for you to do, you would be off dog that,” aga




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