(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版) 作者:autoheart
“i ’t help but thk, had thgs goly,” harry rabled, his w off he sthter, phg hiself off the wall “you would have ade a bloody good potions aster, alfoy i thk i would have rather liked that it does, beg back here without you tellgotter’s voice avered as he fished
dra let hiself sp agast the ed a hah to keep any n he was dreag, he had to be, becae if atchg was the truth, he uld he uldo knootter, the aer of alht that orbited his d, issed hi issed hi enough to talk to a lly epty hallway, a do anythg to help hi
jt when dra thought he uldn’t take uch ore of it, potter vered his eyes with his hand
“fuck,” potter said, turnghis back was agast the doorway, slidg dow on the ground dra uld see eve the other an had tears runng down his cheeks “i don’t know how to t past you i didn’t even ko t past”
potter fell silent, apart frur breathg and oasional shere for what felt like a t have oes, theo llect hiself, liftg his gsses to wipe his eyes with his sleeve he stood ietly, lookg at the entryway his head and began walkg towards dra
&hg that way that anyone ed anyore, ued a really round about way of ttg to the kit, or the stairs he kit, or—that e’s offiagall had given hi snape’s office
dra stood still, barely breathg, u see or hear p away ahe after that jt to be sure he hurried to the door, whisperg the password as ickly as he uld and steppg side, willg the door to close up behd hi ore ickly
he lpsed agast the d about the whole ordeal ade hi want to ugh potter had been back for less than a day ahgs were back to the way they were potter to thg and dra was takg detailed ntal notes on hischool, he never would have owo it, but with o fool, he would adit noent ost of his ti otter whehought he wasched he ed tell hiself it was be ot hi a long way with his father, but he hadn’t even hat oly becae he spei fabricatg ration for his father ahe real thgs he saw becae he liked the better wheo hi deep downat the re of his beg, there had always been a loo harry, to uand hi further than they ways his faily had taught hi to
chg potter, siply becae it was what he had always done dra had issed it his voice had d a bit, deeper tha, but still harry dra chuckled to hiself, leang his head back agast the stone all of potter had d a bit his hair was still a ss, ssier, if possible, and still jt as addeng as it had beeill wore those ridiculo circur wire rid gsses that dra doubted had ever really beenfashion, but they were a bit ore expensivelookg now his clothes fit better than they ever hadschool, a fact dra uldn’t categorize as better or worse becae he uld see jt how fit potter as very he was still short, or at least shorter thai he had seen harry, he had only had about half an hi, but he had growhree ches the year he “died,” atchg his father’s six foot stature he k would have bothered harry, if he uld have seen
&ed harry to see see that dra was taller tha he had d, see that he was rry that he issed hi, too ore than anythg he shook his head, feelg a sudden skhis gut what was agall thkg, puttg potterclose to hi? he was gog to have to be better about hidg with potterthe castle becae, as agall had expected, his pent f had h a what she hadn’t factored , a expected, was how hard it would be for hi to hide, becae it see his snoopg would be alfoytri’t know how any tis he uld fd harrya state outside his door before he revealed hiself he had a feelg it wouldn’t be ur
chapter 4
it id the whole thg id harry th the door of snape’s—his —study ahe back suite, which hoed his bathro off his gsses haphazardly as he did
& he hadn’t
but he had he ran his hand over his fad to his hair he had felt thg, one
no, you hope you felt thg you wao feel thg that you did, he thought to hiselfa voided oddly like herione’s
hogwarts’ hauhat the klg he felt uld hardly have bee had alrised hi abhost he had ehey seeduch like real people, only…less visible entities nonsense les seedkeen on but this had felt like thg of that eyes o a sick, prickly feelg, alost like electricitythe air, the way he felt when onebadly wao ask you thg, to t your attention, but was waitg for you to ake the first ove he felt it, but he had seen nothg he supposed it was entirely pible that ghosts uld ake theselves as visible or visible as they wis
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